Hello! I’m Jennifer Bews, and I have this thing for the art of gathering.

Jennifer Bews Events is a small business led by a passion for gathering people together for a greater cause. The vision includes creating spaces for belongingness, empathy, creativity, education and inspiration.


With nearly 15 years of experience in marketing, communications, and events, Bews has worked in diverse industries including advertising, not-for-profit, finance, hospitality, sporting events and homebuilding.


She’s currently completing a Bachelor of Professional Arts: Communications Major Degree from Athabasca University. She graduated with Distinction from the Art Institute of Vancouver with a diploma in Event Management, and from MacEwan University with a certificate in Office Administration.

I love connecting with others who strive to strengthen the communities they live in because that’s what I do, too. My goal is to leave the world a better place than when I found it, and nothing energizes me more than helping humanistic-centered business owners who feel the same way. My work allows me not only to help my clients reach their goals, but also provides me with the opportunity to give back. Five percent of my profits go to local and global charities and movements that need it the most.”


Let’s make the world a better place, together.

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If you’re a busy entrepreneur, you know how hard it can be to balance managing your day-to-day work with doing the creating and dreaming that will grow your business and help you reach your goals. Your dream and vision is the reason your business exists in the first place, so it’s important to keep those creative juices flowing!

My job is to provide passionate business owners like you with events management and marketing assistance so you can get back to the heart of your business – creating new products, packaging new services, organizing events, and making a difference for your clients.

If you have a project or business goal and are looking for a little outside help, I’d love to chat. My expertise often pairs well with businesses in the following industries: health and wellness, environmental, and rural not-for-profit.

If you can dream it, we can tackle it together.